1 min read

Therapeutic landscapes

Therapeutic landscapes

Some days I prefer to walk away from everything, reducing any interactions with social networking. We all live in a very fast changing world receiving huge amounts of information daily and somehow this flow might overload a mind, blocking the way not only to creativity, but perception of any information.Then comes a feeling of tiredness and emptiness. Does it sound familiar to you?

I often find myself walking for hours in total silence watching and observing various landscapes to clear my mind from various thoughts.  I find it very relaxing. For me landscapes with a sea, ocean or lake are therapeutic. That’s a special and very personal feeling, related to emotional connection and love with nature and I believe every person has its own therapeutic landscape or place of strength. That is a place where you can  find a balance between physical and emotional health.You only need to look deeper into yourself. Perceiving your favorite landscape you’d get aesthetic pleasure and with this you will  improve your mood, feeling refreshed and inspired  by being in nature. Surrounding yourself with nature can also boost creativity, which in itself will lead to increased motivation and positivity.

The term therapeutic landscape”’’led to creating ‘therapeutic gardens’  outdoor spaces designed to find relaxation or contemplation, observing a small pond or even a trickling waterfall. All features that can increase positivity and mindfulness. These natural areas can be very effective especially in nursing homes or hospices, connecting vulnerable people with nature when they need it most.

wishing you all finding your therapeutic  landscapes, many love, peace and happiness.