The garden design process itself is a part of communication between humans and nature

I believe that a beautiful well-planned green environment influences our perception of the world, mood and how we feel there. Having a beautiful garden will give aesthetic pleasure just by watching it. Do you agree with that?

Believe me or not, but the very first questions I ask myself starting a new garden sketch are about emotions. Yes! “How would it feel to walk in that garden? What impression will the person get once he enters there? How will this green surrounding affect the quality of life? What colour combinations work better to achieve harmony in a garden?"

The garden design process itself is a part of communication between humans and nature where the garden designer is a mediator who creates a green well balanced space respecting the natural forms and saving the natural spirit.

People who come to a me are seeking more than a good looking green exterior, they want a well planned structural aesthetically attractive space where they would feel great. Finally garden is about emotions and energy we receive and exchange nature.