Imagine you enter the garden, you are immediately struck by the abundance of fragrant flowers and lush greenery that surrounds you. There is a sound of buzzing bees and singing birds in the air, and the gentle breeze carries the scent of blooms on the wind. You see a charming round arbor with vine roses climbing up its sides. The vines are bursting with delicate rose and white flowers, creating a natural canopy of color and fragrance. The arbor has a graceful, curved design and a rustic charm. As you sit and relax on the bench, you feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you.
How would you feel about it?
I feel very fortunate drawing such dream gardens and helping my customers to make them reality. I have been working under this sketch and though about emotions. This garden will become a place of beauty, romance, and serenity for a family with kids, where they could escape the outside world and spend some quality time with the loved ones.
An arbor with vine roses is a beautiful and romantic addition to any garden. The arbor serves as a structure for the vines to climb, creating a feeling of privacy and intimacy. The vines, with their graceful tendrils foliage, add texture and depth to the garden, and the roses themselves add a splash of color and fragrance. And there is a wooden bench, where you can hide from the sun, the perfect spot for a quiet moment of contemplation or conversation.
Among the numerous varieties of climbing roses you will find species with vibrant colors, fragrant garden backdrop and repeat bloomers that make you fall in love with their natural beauty. They can set the dreamy scene all summer long, with some varieties blooming until late fall and even winter.
👶🏻🐱🐶🐴Roses are listed as non-toxic to kids, dogs, cats, and horses on the ASPCA Plant List.