Could the same garden look attractive in spring and fall time?

Could the same garden look attractive in spring and fall time?

My customers often ask me “Could the same garden look attractive in spring and fall time?’”
My answer is yes. It requires some planning, organizing and a lot of patience. Depending on the climate region where you live, you can use any combination of perennials, annuals and container plantings for adding interest to your garden for every season. I do love container gardens.

Containers offer a flexible solution for using annuals or can be a great home for attractive evergreen or perennial plants. Spring-blooming bulbs can be mixed with summer and fall-blooming plants in a mixed container display that provides color well into the cool season in most areas. Or you could simply replace containers with your plantings with each new season.

I have made two sketches of the same garden. The spring garden with tulips, hyacinths, anemones and lupines set the dreamy mood. Autumn meets us with expressive and contrast colors. Pastel and tender flowers: anemones, asters, nicotiana alata with dramatic foliage of sedum, heuchera and heucherella make the garden even more intriguing in the fall season.

spring garden
fall garden


Landscape designer and architect